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Dryer Blower Compressed Air

Dryer blower compressed air dryers are designed to protect pneumatic equipment and processes from the harmful effects of moisture within compressed air lines. When you don’t have compressed air to spare, dryer blower compressed air provide the solution requiring no purge air for adsorbent desiccant regeneration.

Dryer blower compressed air are able to process large volumes of compressed air both economically and efficiently. Unlike a heatless regenerative air dryer, dryer blower compressed air require no compressed air to regenerate the desiccant. Instead, our dryer blower compressed air utilize an externally mounted heater and centrifugal blower to drive hot atmospheric purge air through the desiccant bed to regenerate the adsorbent desiccant.

Wet compressed air is directed downward through the drying tower where moisture is adsorbed on the desiccant. In the regenerating tower, moisture is stripped from the desiccant by atmospheric air drawn in through the blower and passed over the heater. As the hot purge air flows through the bed, it collects moisture and is discharged through the purge valve(s). The eight-hour MENA cycle includes four hours of drying, three hours or heating and one hour of cooling per tower.

By using a dryer blower compressed air, you are able to dry your compressed air in the most efficient and cost-effective way. You may even eliminate the need for an extra air compressor to compensate for purge air usage. There are significant savings when compared to the air usage in a heatless or heated purge dryer of the same size, keeping more air available for your production processes.

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