Common Industry Applications for Industrial Compressed Air Dryers
Jul 15, 2022 565
Industrial compressed air dryers are commonly used in the following applications:
Material processing: Any given material has its own processing requirements, which need to be met without deviation for things to materialize as planned. Industrial compressed air dryers help make this possible.
Mold prevention: When left to evaporate into surfaces, moisture turns to mold, which reduces sanitation in any working environment. With a compressed-air drying system in place, factories are spared of mold.
The following industries, in particular, reap tremendous benefits from the utilization of desiccant drying systems:
Health care: In environments where patients are treated and medications are prescribed and administered, air sanitation is of utmost importance. To that end, industrial compressed air dryers deliver.
Flood relief: Industrial compressed air dryers are a common feature in flood-relief scenarios because once a flood has passed through an area, properties must be dried as quickly as possible to prevent floodwaters from evaporating and causing mold in wood and furnishings.
Food drying: Moisture can rot food before it leaves the factory if the ambient air is not dehumidified and stripped of water particulates by a industrial compressed air dryer.
Fabric production: Airborne moisture can shrink and damage the surfaces of fabrics in pressing plants that lack sufficient means to control the quality of ambient air.
Ice rinks: To maintain a solid bed of ice, a rink must keep ambient warmth and moisture to a minimum at all times, which makes desiccant drying systems essential at such establishments.
Basically, any product that could perish, attract mold or easily become damaged should only be manufactured in environments where industrial compressed air dryers are employed at all times.