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Which type of compressed air dryer is used in modern precision manufacturing production

Precision manufacturing, most of which are key components in the manufacturing industry, is often located at the top of the industrial chain, especially in the electronics industry.

However, precision manufacturing is by no means limited to this, but is widely distributed in almost all manufacturing industry chains. This is because most manufacturing industries need to improve the precision of their production. The collective name of the industry.

Precision manufacturing pursues the limit of precision or surface quality in machining, which requires precision and ultra-precision machining technology. What provides this capability is manufacturing automation and modern production management.

Therefore, precision manufacturing often becomes the representative of advanced manufacturing.

In precision manufacturing, processing equipment and materials are undoubtedly the most important. It can be said that the foundation of precision manufacturing is based on high-quality materials and high-grade processing equipment.

01Why is the "compressed air" used in precision manufacturing different?

Compressed air, in the process of precision manufacturing, is often used as the control and power source of automation equipment, and sometimes it is also used as a process gas in direct contact with the workpiece.

Compared with general industrial product manufacturing, precision manufacturing puts forward higher requirements for the quality of compressed air due to factors such as the more sophisticated equipment used and the requirements for product accuracy.

At the same time, the more modern management methods inevitably associated with precision manufacturing also pay more attention to the energy efficiency level of air compressors and other equipment.

02 "Water" in compressed air has always been a problem

There are three main pollutants in compressed air: oil mist, dust particles and water.

Oil mist and dust can be avoided or removed with fully oil-free compressors and multi-stage precision filters, while water in compressed air has always been a problem.

We all know that there is a certain proportion of water vapor in the natural air. Therefore, as long as the inhalation is the natural atmosphere, no matter what kind of compressor is used, it cannot be avoided that the compressed air contains water, which requires the use of a compressed air dryer. Dry clean.

03 Several methods of compressed air to remove "water"

The general practice in the industry is:

Simple pneumatic tools generally only need to use the air source to process the multi-connected parts to meet the requirements of use;

Ordinary equipment and general pneumatic control only need to be equipped with a refrigerated dryer to meet the needs of use;

For some uses that require high quality of compressed air, it is necessary to add an adsorption dryer to dry and purify the compressed air in order to meet the use requirements.

Precision manufacturing is one of the important usage scenarios that have high quality requirements for compressed air.

04Precision manufacturing requirements for compressed air dryers

The requirements of precision manufacturing for compressed air purification equipment are mainly reflected in three aspects: performance, efficiency and automation.

Performance - the degree of dryness of the compressed air that can be achieved and the reliability of operation;

Efficiency - the cost-effectiveness ratio of operation and the life cycle of the unit;

Automation - an automatic operation mode without human intervention, which is a necessary condition for an automated production line.

"Heated Blower Desiccant Air Dryer With Air Purge Type" perfectly meets the demand for drying and purification of compressed air in the precision manufacturing industry.

Its basic working principle still adopts the mature, reliable and widely used mainstream drying technology - pressure swing adsorption.

Compared with the traditional adsorption dryer, it has made a breakthrough in the generation of the regeneration air source, and changed the traditional adsorption dryer to use the finished compressed air as the regeneration air source, instead of using the ambient air blast as the regeneration air source.

Compared to the production cost of the finished compressed air used in the regeneration air source, the cost of blasting as the regeneration air source is much lower. Moreover, it is not affected by the fluctuation of the air pressure of the air compressor, which causes the instability of the regeneration air source, which affects the regeneration and drying effect of the adsorbent, and outputs a more stable and controllable compressed air quality.

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