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What role does the pre -cooler play in the cold dryer

Strictly speaking, the pre -cooler is not a must -have component of the frozen dryer, but it plays a great role in the operation of the cold dryer. The main function of the pre -cooler in the cold dry machine is the cold amount of the compressed air that was cooled by the evaporator (for the vast majority of users (for the vast majority of users, this part is "waste cold"), and use this part Cold the compressed air with higher temperatures carrying a large amount of water vapor. As a result, the thermal burden of the cold dry machine refrigeration system achieves the purpose of saving energy. On the other hand, the temperature of the low temperature compressed air is rebounded in the pre -cold device, so that the outer wall of the exhaust pipeline does not cause the annoying exposed phenomenon due to the low temperature. In addition, after the temperature of the compressed air increases. The relative humidity of the air in the pipeline (can reach φ = 5-10 %). According to the theory of metal rust, when the relative humidity of the environment is lower than the critical point (φ = 40 %), the rust of the metal pipeline is stopped. Therefore, there are pre -cooler in the cold dry machine.


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