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What measures should be taken for refrigerated dryers when the intake air temperature is too high

When the intake air temperature for a refrigerated dryer is too high, there are several measures that can be taken to ensure the proper functioning of the dryer and to prevent damage or failure. Here are some steps that can be taken:

Increase the flow of cooling water: If the intake air temperature is too high, increasing the flow of cooling water to the refrigerated dryer can help to lower the temperature of the compressed air.

Adjust the settings of the refrigeration system: The refrigeration system of the dryer can be adjusted to accommodate higher intake air temperatures. This may involve changing the settings of the compressor, the evaporator, or other components.

Install an aftercooler: An aftercooler can be installed to cool the compressed air before it enters the refrigerated dryer. This can help to reduce the intake air temperature and prevent damage to the dryer.

Increase the capacity of the dryer: If the intake air temperature is consistently too high, it may be necessary to increase the capacity of the refrigerated dryer. This can ensure that the dryer is able to handle the higher temperature and prevent damage or failure.

Consider alternative drying methods: In some cases, it may be more effective to use an alternative method for drying compressed air, such as a desiccant dryer or a membrane dryer. These types of dryers are better suited to high temperature environments and can provide more consistent performance.

It's important to note that the specific measures that need to be taken will depend on the specific conditions and requirements of the application. It may be necessary to consult with a professional or the manufacturer of the refrigerated dryer to determine the best course of action.

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