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What Is a Compressed Air Dryer?

Moisture can enter your air and air compressing machine in several different ways. You might be using an undersized — and, by extension, an overworked — air compressor or your air compressor could have malfunctioning parts, which is causing it to absorb more moisture from the air around you. The operating environment in which a compressor is used also makes a difference. For example, high-humidity atmospheres are capable of holding a lot more moisture than non-humid atmospheres. When the air reaches a temperature conducive to moisture saturation and condensation, it is known as the “dew point.”

Although some level of moisture will always be present, too much of it can cause rust, corrosion and contaminate the quality of your compressed air. Poor quality compressed air can damage your final product or end-use. To reduce the amount of moisture in your compressed air — and to prolong the life of your machine — a compressed air dryer is critical.

A compressed air dryer is a machine designed to reduce the amount of moisture in compressed air significantly. In addition to creating a safer, more sanitary workplace for employees, air dryers promote high-quality products and minimize compressed air contamination. In some cases, such as particularly humid work environments, an air dryer can mean the difference between stalling operations or moving forward with production.

This article comes from quincy edit released
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