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Top 5 Reasons a Dust Fine Filter is Worth It

1.  Higher initial and ongoing efficiency.  A primary function of a dust collector is to control and minimize emissions generated by a manufacturing process. Clean, new dust fine filters typically have lower efficiencies (and, therefore, higher emissions) compared to dust fine filters with a build-up of dust on them. 

2.  Lower pressure drop across the filtration media saves energy.  Most dust collection systems rely on a fan to draw dust-laden air from a contaminant source to a collector and then through the filtration media. The energy (static pressure) required to move the air through the filtration system defines the necessary fan size and, therefore, the effective energy required to operate the system. The restriction created by a dust fine filter media and the captured particulate can be a significant contributor to the overall fan energy requirement of a system. 

When the captured dust cannot be cleaned from the media depth, higher stable pressure differentials are created across the filtration media and energy demand goes up. Because the fine fiber layer media captures dust on the surface reducing depth loading, it cleans more completely and operates at a lower pressure differential across the filtration media reducing energy demands. Lower restriction across the filtration media results in lower overall system energy requirements and smaller fan requirements when designing a new system and selecting components. Even greater energy savings are possible if the system fan is configured with a variable frequency drive control system.

3.  Less compressed air consumption required for pulse-jet cleaned dust collection systems.  Score another advantage for a surface-loading fine fiber layer media! As mentioned above, when dust is captured on the surface of a filtration media, it requires much fewer compressed air pulses to clean than a depth-loaded media. Fewer pulses of compressed air results in lower overall compressed air consumption, which in turn, reduces the energy demands on the compressor and the costs for compressor operation.

4.  Longer filter life.  Most dust fine filters reach an end of life when the filtration media is fully depth-loaded and can no longer be cleaned to an acceptable degree to allow design airflow with the available fan in the system. Because of the fine fiber efficiency layer and surface loading characteristics, dust fine filters last significantly longer than traditional commodity filter elements. Longer filter life means buying new filters less frequently, saving considerable money over time. Additionally, longer filter life reduces the frequency of costly operation downtime for dust fine filter change maintenance activities.

5.  Flexibility in dust fine filter configuration to help solve problems. Fine fiber performance layer media can be produced on a variety of substrate materials and built into many different dust fine filter configurations. A fine fiber layer can be applied on cellulose, synthetic, and spunbond media substrates improving the performance of each of these media. The substrates can be selected for their unique anti-static, temperature, or moisture-resistant properties while still obtaining the advantages of the fine fiber performance layer. Fine fiber performance layer filters have been available as cartridge filters for years, but manufacturers are now offering these media in pleated bag and fluted filter configurations.
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