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The role of refrigerated dryer

The refrigerated dryer uses the refrigerant to exchange heat with the compressed air to reduce the temperature of the compressed air to a dew point temperature in the range of 2-10 degrees Celsius, so that the water content in the compressed air tends to be supersaturated, thereby removing the moisture in the compressed air. A set of drying equipment. So what does a freeze dryer do?

The role of the refrigerated dryer:

1. There is no compressed air consumption. Most users do not have very high requirements on the dew point of compressed air. The use of freeze dryers saves energy than adsorption dryers.

2. The operation noise is low. The adsorption dryer has the noise of the pressure relief of the adsorption tower. In the air compressor room, the operation noise of the refrigerated dryer is generally not heard.

3. The refrigerated dryer has a "self-cleaning" effect on the exhaust gas, that is, the content of solid impurities in the exhaust gas is small.

4. There are no special requirements for the pretreatment of the air source and the supporting air compressor, and the general oil-water separator can meet the requirements of the refrigerated dryer for the quality of the intake air.

The role of the refrigerated dryer will be shared here first. The refrigerated dryer is based on the principle of freezing and dehumidification, using a fully enclosed compression refrigeration system to cool down the compressed gas discharged from the air compressor, so that a large amount of saturated water is contained in it. The steam and oil mist condensed droplets are discharged by the automatic drain after being separated from the gas and water.


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