
Home > Knowledge > The following points should be paid attention to in the normal operation of the suction dryer

The following points should be paid attention to in the normal operation of the suction dryer

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The adsorption dryer achieves the drying effect through "pressure change" (pressure swing adsorption principle). Obviously, the normal operation of the suction dryer, the working pressure is a very important part. In addition to the working pressure, the intake air temperature, condensed water, oil mist, and regeneration gas volume also have an important impact on the normal operation of the suction dryer.

1. Work pressure

(1) The saturated water content of compressed air is inversely proportional to the pressure, that is, the lower the working pressure, the greater the humidity load of the suction dryer, so the demand for regeneration gas also increases;

(2) From the structure of the dryer, we know that the regeneration air is determined by the opening degree of the orifice or ball valve and the pressure difference on both sides. In the case of a certain flow area, the amount of regeneration gas flowing through the orifice plate or ball valve is proportional to the pressure. The drop in the working pressure will lead to a decrease in the amount of regeneration gas, which will reduce the regeneration efficiency of the suction dryer and affect the adsorption efficiency.

(3) The volume of compressed air is inversely proportional to the pressure. The lower working pressure increases the air flow rate of the compressed air and shortens the contact time between the adsorbent and the compressed air, resulting in a decrease in the dynamic adsorption capacity.

(4) Due to the pressure drop and the increase of the superficial flow rate, the pressure loss of the adsorption bed increases.

2. Intake air temperature

The compressed air entering the suction dryer is saturated air with a certain temperature. Under the same pressure condition, every time the temperature increases by 5℃, the saturated water content increases by about 30%, that is, the humidity load entering the adsorption dryer increases by about 30%.

In addition, the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent decreases with the increase of temperature, so with the increase of the compressed air inlet temperature, the drying efficiency of the adsorption dryer decreases.

When the intake air temperature increases by 5°C, the dew point temperature of the product gas outlet will increase by 8 to 10°C. Therefore, it is good for adsorption dryers to reduce the intake air temperature as much as possible.

3. Condensed water

The compressed air discharged from the cooler after the air compressor is a supersaturated compressed air containing a certain amount of condensed water. A small amount of condensed water has little effect on the suction dryer. If the air-water separator and filter are not installed before the suction dryer, or a large amount of condensed water enters the adsorption tower due to abnormal factors, it will lead to deterioration of adsorption and dew point. The temperature rises sharply, and in severe cases, the adsorbent is broken into powder (specifically: dust is ejected from the muffler, and the rear dust filter is blocked) and the adsorbent must be replaced.

This is because after a large amount of condensed water enters the adsorption tower, the adsorbent instantly adsorbs a large amount of water and releases a large amount of adsorption heat at the same time. Since the adsorbent is a non-thermal conductor, the heat of adsorption cannot be dissipated in time and is absorbed by the liquid water in the micropores of the adsorbent. When the heat is sufficient, the water evaporates into a gas, and the volume expands rapidly to burst the adsorbent.

4. The amount of regeneration gas

The regeneration gas volume cannot be adjusted arbitrarily during the operation of the suction dryer. In addition, for the heat suction dryer, the instantaneous flow rate of the regeneration gas should not be too small, otherwise the heat transfer efficiency of the regeneration gas as a heat carrier will be reduced, causing local overheating and most no heat, destroying the structure and performance of the adsorbent.

At the same time, if the flow rate is too small, the flow rate will be too low, and it is easy to cause a short circuit due to the airflow passing through the adsorption layer, thereby forming a "tunnel effect", resulting in inability to uniform heat transfer and effective analysis.

5. Oil mist

If there is too much oil, the adsorption material will be poisoned and fail prematurely, which will affect the water removal effect of the dryer.

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