
Home > Knowledge > The choice of the evaporator in the refrigeration dryer is very important

The choice of the evaporator in the refrigeration dryer is very important

Just using a light tube evaporator will bring many disadvantages!

Dry evaporators commonly used in refrigeration dryers: light tube type, tube fin type.

Light tube evaporator

Light tube evaporators only place heat exchange tubes inside the evaporator.

In this kind of evaporator, since the saturated gas flows outside the heat exchange tube, the moisture precipitated during the heat exchange process will adhere to the surface of the copper tube to form a "water film", resulting in a plummeting heat exchange efficiency!

The form of gas passing outside the tube also makes the thermal resistance of the gas outside the tube many times larger than that in the tube. The greater the thermal resistance, the worse the heat exchange efficiency.

Tube-fin evaporator

The tube-fin evaporator is based on the bare tube with fins embedded in it, in order to enhance the heat exchange efficiency.

The square evaporator we commonly say is actually a tube-fin type of internal structure.

Why change the evaporator from a cylinder to a cube?

The reason is very simple. When the amount of gas entering the evaporator is large and the pressure is low, the flow rate of the gas will become very slow. Only the structure of the square evaporator can ensure the heat exchange efficiency.

For each type of evaporator, it is necessary to find a reason to use it in order to guarantee the effect.

FROM:gas drying encyclopedia

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