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Installation requirements for refrigerated dryer

1. The refrigerated dryer shall be installed in a building with an ambient temperature of 2-45 ℃, good ventilation around and clean air; In particular, avoid corrosive components (such as ammonia) in the air. When the ventilation condition of the indoor machine room is poor, it is necessary to install ventilation and exhaust equipment in the machine room.

2. The distance between the air dryer and the air compressor shall be at least 4-5 meters to prevent the vibration generated by the air compressor from affecting the normal operation of the air dryer.

3. The distance between the air inlet and the wall of the air-cooled cold dryer is more than 1.5m, and the air inlet and exhaust of the two dryers cannot face each other. A certain space shall be reserved around the cold dryer to facilitate maintenance and routine maintenance.

4. If the cooling water quality of the water-cooled dryer is poor, a cooling water filter shall be installed at the inlet to filter impurities. The cooling water temperature is better below 32oC, and the water pressure should be kept between 0.15-0.50MPa.

5. When the dryer is running, its vibration is very small. Only the soft foundation needs to be made of cement, and the foundation needs to be flat. The vibration impact of the air compressor from the pipeline shall be avoided. If it is too serious, it is necessary to connect the high-pressure hose to eliminate the vibration.

6. The outlet of the automatic drain shall be connected to the drain pipe directly to the drain to avoid polluting the production site. The height of the drain shall be lower than the outlet of the automatic drain.

7. The cold dryer is connected to the air source system. It is better to connect the bypass pipe between the air inlet and outlet in parallel, and set a stop valve in the middle for commissioning, maintenance and startup.

Attachment: Reference installation and configuration diagram of cold dryer in compression system

Article source: WeChat nhvdca

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