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How to Pick the Right Compressed Air Dryer

Deliquescent types compressed air dryers

This system makes use of chemical media that absorb other media. Unlike desiccant dryers, the material within deliquescent types compressed air dryers cannot be dried once it is saturated—it must be replaced. As there is no need for purge air in these systems, they are highly affordable and can provide energy savings of up to 20%. The typical deliquescent types compressed air dryer requires no power to operate.

Membrane types compressed air dryers

Membrane types compressed air dryers are composed of specialized membrane micro-tubes. As compressed air travels through the tubes, water vapor will diffuse through the permeable membrane. These systems can bring dew points down to -40° F. They are very quiet and have no moving parts. The membrane types compressed air dryer does use purge air to dry the membrane, similar to a regenerative so expect a reduction of available downstream air of up to 15%.

Applications are typically limited to 120 CFM or less, but like the deliquescent types compressed air dryer no power is needed to operate it.
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