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How to accurately measure the humidity inside an adsorption dryer

In practice, different types of dryers are used to control the problem of high humidity. In compressed air technology, the pressure dew point refers to the parameter of the dryness of compressed air. The pressure dew point is the temperature at which the water contained in compressed air condenses to form liquid water (also saturation, 100% relative humidity). The lower the pressure dew point temperature, the smaller the amount of water vapor contained in compressed air.

Different types of compressed air dryers; Freezing or adsorption dryers are the most commonly used. The refrigerated dryer cools the compressed air to approximately 2 to 5 ° C., The typical dew point of an adsorption dryer is -30... -40 ℃ td.

The new generation dew point sensor FA 510/515 is also equipped with commonly used 4... 20 mA analog output and RS 485 digital interface (Modbus RTU).

All measurement values measured and calculated by the dew point sensor through the RS 485 digital interface can be retrieved through the Modbus protocol, such as dew point, temperature, absolute humidity, etc.

Which gases can be applied to:

✓ Air/compressed air

✓ Carbon dioxide (CO2)

✓ Methane (CH4)

✓ Nitrogen (N2)

✓ Oxygen (O2)

✓ Natural gas/biogas

✓ Argon (Ar)

✓ Hydrogen (H2)

✓ For other mixed gases, please consult

Sensors and analysis equipment have been further improved on the basis of the old version, especially the integrated temperature compensator. That is to say, it improves the accuracy at various ambient temperatures and enhances the resolution of sensor signals. Like the old version, the new dew point sensor has demonstrated long-term stability and reliable measurement values. The sensor element is frost resistant, so it comes standard with a stainless steel sintered cap to prevent direct contact with impurity particles

Source: Global Information on CS Instruments in Germany

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