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How does a compressed air dryer industrial work?

A compressed air dryer industrial is a device that is used to remove moisture from compressed air in industrial settings. Compressed air contains a certain amount of moisture, which can cause corrosion, damage to pneumatic equipment, and affect product quality in certain applications. The compressed air dryer industrial works by using various methods to remove moisture from the compressed air.

One of the most common types of compressed air dryers is a refrigerated air dryer. This type of dryer works by cooling the compressed air to a temperature that causes the moisture to condense, and then separating the moisture from the compressed air stream. The refrigerated air dryer typically consists of four main components: an air-to-air heat exchanger, a refrigeration compressor, a refrigerated air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger, and a moisture separator.

The process begins with the compressed air entering the air-to-air heat exchanger, where it is cooled to around 35-45°F (1.7-7.2°C) by the outgoing cool air. The cool compressed air then enters the refrigerated air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger, where it is further cooled to around 35°F (1.7°C) by the refrigerant. This causes the moisture in the compressed air to condense into liquid form, which is then separated from the compressed air stream by the moisture separator.

Once the moisture is removed from the compressed air, it is discharged from the compressed air dryer industrial through a drain valve. The dry compressed air can then be used for various industrial applications. The refrigeration compressor in the compressed air dryer industrial works to maintain the necessary temperature and pressure conditions for the moisture removal process to occur. Additionally, the dryer may also include other components such as filters, valves, and gauges to ensure proper operation and maintenance of the dryer.
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