
Home > Knowledge > High oil content in the compressed air can cause the dryer to fail!

High oil content in the compressed air can cause the dryer to fail!

Suction dryers are used in all walks of life, but do you know where the failure problem of your suction dryer comes from? The failure of the suction dryer is caused by this problem - oil contamination in the air compressor.

Although the compressed air from the air compressor is used in different industries and has different needs, it will be equipped with basic post-processing equipment, such as refrigeration dryers, filters, suction dryers, oil removal filters, etc. to solve the oil content of the compressed air. Water and dust problems.

If the compressed air oil content is high, it will not only affect the product, but also affect the mechanical equipment, whether it is the back-end gas production equipment or its own air compressor system equipment.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the problem of high oil content in compressed air. Here we will analyze the impact of high oil content on the suction dryer.

Because most manufacturers will configure an adsorption dryer at the back end, the adsorption drying equipment is filled with activated alumina or molecular sieve. These substances can absorb some oil pollutants in the compressed air while adsorbing water, including liquid Oil and gaseous oils. Its adsorption principle is similar to activated carbon, so in the early stage of equipment operation, the liquid oil in the compressed air is removed.

Activated alumina or molecular sieves can regenerate the adsorbed water through regeneration, and prepare for the next time to adsorb water, but they cannot regenerate the oil adsorbed on the surface of the adsorbent. Therefore, the oil content in the adsorbent will gradually build up until saturation is reached.

The adsorbed oil will cover the inner and outer surfaces of the pores of the adsorbent, hindering the adsorption of water by the adsorbent, eventually leading to the gradual loss of water absorption capacity, resulting in the decline of the dehydration performance of the adsorbent itself. As a result, the pressure dew point of the compressed air passing through the suction dryer cannot meet the requirements. At the same time, after the oil is saturated with adsorption, the oil and water will form mixed pollution, resulting in the pollution of the back-end gas equipment or products.

Therefore, it is very important to solve the problem of oil pollution in compressed air. Some will use oil-free machines to solve the problem of oil pollution from the source. However, some manufacturers use oil-containing air compressors to control costs in the early stage, which must be carried out on the back-end oil. After treatment, there are generally three kinds of compressed air degreasing devices to choose from, the first is degreasing filter, the second is activated carbon filter, the third is catalytic oxidation degreasing equipment, these three are conventional degreasing filters, but Also different:

The first type of degreasing filter adopts an ordinary filter element structure, and adsorbs the oil in the compressed air to the filter element through adsorption to achieve the effect of degreasing, but this adsorption has a certain degree, when the adsorption is saturated The filter element needs to be replaced. The purchase cost of this filter element filter is low, but the filter element needs to be replaced regularly to ensure that the air source is free of oil;

The second type of activated carbon filter uses activated carbon packing to adsorb oil pollution in compressed air. Generally, the filling amount of activated carbon is sufficient to maintain oil-free for a long time, but the adsorbent is also saturated. At the same time, if the oil pollution is too heavy, It will lead to activated carbon oil poisoning. Now, the activated carbon is invalid, and it is also necessary to replace the activated carbon material to ensure the stability of the gas source. The specific replacement cycle depends on the working conditions;

The third type of catalytic oxidation degreasing is different from adsorption. The catalytic oxidation technology is used to react the oil molecules in the gas with the oxygen in the gas. The material is a catalyst, and the catalyst does not participate in the reaction, but only reduces the The effect of the reaction conditions, so there is no consumables, it can continuously and stably provide clean compressed air.

Therefore, these knowledge still need to be mastered when choosing oil removal equipment.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the problem of high oil content in the air system. If a suction dryer is purchased, it is recommended that the degreasing equipment should be installed at the front end of the suction dryer, which also plays a certain role in protecting the suction dryer.


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