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Heatless Desiccant Air Dryer

Heatless desiccant air dryers use a small portion of dried, compressed air to purge and regenerate the off-line tower. The QHD has been engineered to ensure optimal performance and efficiency in a range of different applications while keeping downtime to a minimum.

The desiccant air dryer systems includes 13 models that deliver between 230 and 3,400 CFM of clean, dry air at a pressure of 100 psig. All feature a heavy-duty steel base and dual tower configuration that regenerates automatically.

Like all our desiccant-type air dryers, the heatless desiccant air dryer system includes high-quality components and is backed by a two-year comprehensive warranty. For details, download the product brochure or contact a Quincy rep directly.

This article comes from quincy edit released
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