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Dryer desiccant air carbon replacement filter

The dryer desiccant air carbon replacement filter efficiently removes water and oil aerosols, atmospheric dirt and solid particles, rust, pipescale and micro-organisms.

When compressed air is required to meet ISO8573-1 Class 1 air quality via oil free or oil lubricated compressors, the dryer desiccant air carbon replacement filter is an essential component of the compressed air system. They are designed to reduce oil vapour. Compact activated carbon cartridges utilise a unique filling technique to maximise packing density of the adsorbent bed. The use of cartridges also provides trouble free maintenance, reducing system downtime.

When compressed air is required to meet ISO8573-1 Class 1 air quality via oil free or oil lubricated compressors the dryer desiccant air carbon replacement filter is an essential component of the compressed air system.

Dryer desiccant air carbon replacement filter elements should be changed annually to maintain optimised performance and so continue to meet international standards of air quality. It protects your downstream equipment, personnel and processes, keeps operational costs low, while increasing productivity and profitability. In short, it provides continued peace of mind.
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