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compressed air gas water

The compressed air gas-water separator is an effective combination of the principle of centrifugation and current collection, and the effective combination of gravity and collision mechanisms, which can effectively remove the liquid water mist in the compressed air. It is a compressed air high-efficiency filter and a refrigeration type, adsorption Necessary pretreatment device for compressed air dryer.

Removing the moisture in the compressed air is the primary task of compressed air purification. The water in the compressed air will erode the pipes, valves, instruments and equipment, resulting in an increase in production costs.

The air-water separator is small and beautiful in appearance, durable, and the pressure loss is negligible. It also has an imported automatic blowdown valve inside, so there is no need to replace components. It is not only an ideal component for screw compressors, but also a general air compressor. An essential water removal device for post-processing.

FROM:Baidu Encyclopedia

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