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Benefits of Precooling Machine Solutions

Benefits of Precooling Machine

  • Rapid precooling machine (15-45 min typically)
  • Optimum Retention of Product Quality
  • Extension of Shelf Life
  • Increases size of your accessible market
  • Vacuum Coolers can be a portable solution for use at multiple farms or facilities

Vacuum Cooler Features

  • Portable precooling machine units
  • Units can be built in a modular design
  • Generator Equipped units for use at remote locations
  • Automatic or Manually Operated Vacuum Chamber Doors
  • Automatic Pallet loading & unloading of vacuum cooler
  • Complete Control Packages with Record Keeping of Vacuum Cooler Performance
  • Touchscreen Human to Machine Interface Screens for visual indication and monitoring by operator
  • Recipe Function for easily changing product precooling machine settings
  • Remote connections for full diagnostics and troubleshooting of precooling machine system
  • Stainless Steel Options Available
  • Custom made to meet customer’s requirements

This article comes from agrimaint edit released

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