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Applications of rfrigerated compressed air dryer

What Are Rfrigerated Compressed Air Dryers?

Rfrigerated compressed air dryers are machines that remove water vapor from compressed air. They are necessary with air compressors because air compressors concentrate various elements of the air, giving it a higher dew point and creating condensation that could negatively affect your facility, causing freezing, corrosion and other problems.

How Do Rfrigerated Compressed Air Dryers Work?

Different types of rfrigerated compressed air dryers work in different ways. There are rfrigerated compressed air dryers, desiccant air dryers, membrane air dryers and deliquescent air dryers. Which type you use will depend on what your specific application needs are.

What Type of Applications Are Appropriate for Rfrigerated Compressed Air Dryers?

You can find rfrigerated compressed air dryers in use for many applications across multiple industries, including:

  • Naval
  • Nuclear Power
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Chemical/Petrochemical
  • Food and Beverage
  • Manufacturing
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