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Air refrigeration dryer work flow

Refrigerated air dryers have become the main air drying and purification equipment, and are widely used in various types of pneumatic equipment, pneumatic tools, painting and coating, food packaging, textile, chemical and other industries in industrial production.

Principle: The humid and high temperature compressed air flows into the pre-cooler (for high temperature type) to dissipate heat, and then flows into the heat exchanger to exchange heat with the cold air discharged from the evaporator, so that the temperature of the compressed air entering the evaporator is lowered.

The refrigerated compressed air dryer cools down by cooling, and the water vapor in the compressed air condenses into droplets, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing the moisture content. The condensed droplets are discharged out of the machine through the automatic drainage system. As long as the ambient temperature of the downstream pipeline of the dryer outlet is not lower than the dew point temperature of the evaporator outlet, there will be no secondary condensation.

General Workflow:

Air flow - the compressed air enters the pre-cooling cooler from the air inlet for preliminary cooling, flows into the evaporator of the refrigeration system, and is further cooled by the refrigeration system. The cooled compressed air is returned to the heat exchanger for rewarming and leaves the refrigerated dryer through the air outlet.

Refrigerant process - the refrigerant is compressed into a liquid state of high temperature and high pressure by a refrigeration compressor, and the liquid refrigerant in a high temperature and high pressure state is cooled by a (air-cooled or water-cooled) condenser and then becomes a refrigerant in a medium temperature and high pressure state. After filtering, the refrigerant changes into a low-temperature and low-pressure gas-liquid mixed state through the action of the capillary, and finally enters the evaporator for heat exchange with the hot compressed air, completes the refrigeration work, and returns to the refrigeration compressor for cycle work.

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