Adiabatic precooling machine in all types of weather
May 27, 2022 562
The performance of a misting precooling machine is affected by wind. At relatively low wind speeds, the mist may be carried away, limiting the efficiency of the precooling machine. As a result, the indicated theoretical performance of the system will then be strongly reduced. When the misting system sprays against the wind direction, the aerosols stick together, form larger droplets, and fall like rain.
In addition, of course, the wind also brings dust with it. This dust clogs the filters used in misting systems, increasing the chance of pressure loss and reducing efficiency. Regular cleaning of the filter during the season is also a requirement, often accompanied by maintenance contracts.
The performance of adiabatic precooling machine with a contact humidifier, on the other hand, is not affected by wind because the wind has no impact on the evaporation media. And although the wind does, of course, still bring dust that collects on the wet media, there is no chance of clogging. The dust on the evaporation pad is washed away and disposed of by the system when the water is changed. In addition, the wet walls of the evaporation media also provide protection from dust. In effect, the evaporation media acts as an air filter.