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Adekom refrigerated air dryer controller series

Time, effort, and attention to detail is what went into the design of the adekom refrigerated air dryer controller. The adekom refrigerated air dryer controller design has components, as well as the interconnecting tubing, laid out to minimize the environmental footprint of the dryer. When you implement this adekom refrigerated air dryer controller into your compressed air system, increased reliability and better efficiency will indefinitely result.


  • Flows from 10 to 2,250 CFM
  • Air-cooled and water-cooled packages
  • Voltage options to match your needs
  • Ambient condition, instrumentation, alarm, pressure and many more options available


  • All GSRN dryers are designed to have pressure drops ranging from 1.2 to 3.6 PSID (competitive units experience up to 6.5 PSID)
  • Every component of the GSRN dryer has been tested and proven to be worthy of being associated with the Gardner Denver name
  • The design and quality componentry used in the GSRN enables less energy consumption which equates to a lower spend on electricity
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