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8 Benefits of A Combined Air Filter

Relieves Symptoms of Asthma

According to the centers for disease control and prevention, 1 in 12 people have asthma. People living with asthma have inflamed bronchial tubes. Pollutants such as pet dander, pollen, or dust mites irritate their airways, causing difficulty breathing.

Most household air purifiers contain combined air filters, designed to capture all these pollutants so you breathe clean air. Combined air filters comprise multi-layered meshes made of fine fiberglass threads, thinner than strands of hair. The pollens, dust mites, and pet dander floating in the home environment are trapped in these meshes so you enjoy clean air.

Eliminates Harmful Chemicals from Indoor Environments

Closing the doors and windows of our house does not mean we can shut off external pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide. These gases are commonly found in areas of high motor vehicle traffic and may get inside your homes.Research from the National Library of Medicine shows exposure to carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide PM increases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Combined air filters with activated carbon can cleanse these chemical contaminants, avoiding the risk of several health problems. A highly porous form of carbon is used in this carbon filtering method to trap chemicals, recycling fresh air back to the room.

Neutralizes Unpleasant Odors

Some chemicals such as gasoline, benzene, and formaldehyde break down at room temperature causing an off-gassing odor. These chemicals, called Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), are commonly found in paints, aerosol sprays, upholstered furniture, or air fresheners. The odor from VOCs can cause nausea, breathlessness, and even affect your cognitive functions.

Other NIH studies show low VOC levels in ambient air improves productivity and performance. Combined air filters are effective in trapping gases as well as particles, reducing pollutants in the indoor environment.

If you have guests coming over, you don’t have to worry about the smoke or the odor of cooking oil and spices bothering them. The combined air filterss absorb all the smell, making your room fresh and clean.

Reduces the Chances of Airborne Diseases

Airborne diseases such as the common cold and flu are spread through tiny pathogens floating around. When one family member catches the flu, it’s not uncommon for the rest of the family to get sick as well. This happens because everyone is breathing the same air that’s infected with bacteria and viruses.

Combined air filters with combined air filters capture these bacteria and viruses. When you remove the cause of airborne diseases, you safeguard yourself and your family from them. If you live with elderly people, children, or anyone with a weakened immune system, combined air filters are a must.

Improves Sleep

Indoor allergens such as bacteria, fungi, and dust mites can trigger allergies or hay fever. Hay fever causes a runny nose and can last up to several weeks. Frequent sneezing, coughing, nose congestion, watery eyes, or sore throat are some common allergic symptoms, disrupting your sleep.

Removes Harmful Radon

The breakdown of naturally-occurring radioactive elements such as uranium found in certain building materials produces radon gas. Radon is a colorless and odorless gas, emitting from building materials like rocks, soil, and granite.

Eliminates Hazardous Asbestos Particles

Asbestos roofing materials or insulation pipes were common from the 1940s to the 1960s. If you live in an old house or work in an old commercial building you may be exposed to asbestos particles. With age, these buildings shed materials spreading asbestos dust in the ambient air.

If you breathe in asbestos particles, they can cause a lung disease marked by tissue scarring. Swelling in the neck or face, loss of appetite, and difficulty swallowing are some symptoms of asbestosis. This disease also increases the risk of lung cancer.

To protect yourself from asbestosis, use combined air filters that capture asbestos particles.

Can Increase Life Expectancy

Indoor air pollution can affect your cardiac, respiratory, and even neurological systems. Chemicals and gases from common household products can accumulate in your lungs. In fact, the airborne particles are so small that they penetrate the blood-brain barrier, impacting your brain and cognitive functions.

A good combined air filter traps even the fine particles providing you with better air quality.

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